Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Playboy Magazine Promotes “Hate Fucking”

On June 1st Playboy Magazine published an article on its website entitled “10 Conservative Women we’d Love to Hate-Fuck.” For those who don’t know what “hate-fuck” means, here’s a quick translation: rape.

The article was written by Guy Cimbalo and contains repeated references to the authour’s desire to degrade and humiliate certain conservative women based solely on their political ideology. The article only remained on the website for a brief time before word got around via Twitter and the controversial article was removed.

Smart Girl Politics, a coalition of conservative women, has condemned the lewd and degrading article. “The language used in Mr. Cimbalo’s screed was misogyny, pure and simple,” stated Teri Christoph, Co-Founder of Smart Girl Politics. “The vile nature of the article indicates that the author, and apparently Playboy Magazine, advocates violence against women with whom they don’t agree. The true feminists of today will not tolerate this kind of hateful exploitation.”

As a “true feminist” I absolutely agree with Teri Christoph – we cannot tolerate hate towards any women, regardless of their religious or political beliefs, race, class, sexual orientation or anything else.

I’ve never been a fan of Playboy, but this one really seals the deal for me. Here’s a little tip for that jackass Guy Cimbalo: If you want to sleep with a beautiful woman, maybe try respecting her. Just a thought.

Jezebel has more info here.

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